Local presence and with ability to scale – Application Managed Services and other on-demand services delivered Nationally via our strong Victorian contingent workforce
Mature Global Delivery Model - Leveraged access to XRMROI’s global capabilities on-demand, including engagement with our dedicated 24/7 offerings in India.
Flexible Commercial Models – We provide both dedicated support and Pre-Packaged managed services solutions.
To address the requirements of client and provide the flexibility and agility required in a dynamic business environment, XRMROI is proposing its Consumption-Based Model (based on allocated support hours/month) offering best value for money whilst keeping full accountability of the in-scope operational environment.
Services will be delivered by drawing down on the hour’s allocation each month. This model ensures that XRMROI resources are available when required and that the service is adaptable to your changing needs. Our consumption-based model will enable client to review the number of allocated hours periodically, providing the ability to easily flex to accommodate changes in your forecasted work demand.
This monthly support package provides a layer of support services that extends beyond traditional application patching and maintenance. This support offering is delivered directly to the business layer to cater for additional user requests and enhancements.
XRMROI will provide Level 2 and 3 CRM Applications Management services (ongoing support) & Integration support as part of this proposal. Requests will be logged via a central Service Desk managed by XRMROI. Contact can be made by phone or email. These tickets are assessed at Level 3 and resolved where possible, however where further expertise and assistance is required, the ticket is assigned to the Applications Management (Level 2) Resolver Group for action
A retainer of support hours is provided on a monthly basis, with any unused hours forfeited at the end of each month. These support hours are bundled into packages based on volume of hours required
XRMROI Proposes to provide 80 hours of CRM support. We will work directly with client to help determine the most appropriate support package to select based on the solution defined. If the current standard support options are deemed inappropriate, XRMROI will work with client to tailor a support offering based on the requirements. XRMROI will also conduct Quarterly Reviews with client to discuss: